The random treasure is set from the moment the game is started so it will differ from game to game and reloading saves will not work. If you already have it, the game will randomly give you another treasure. Clearing the last level gives you a one-time level up for all commanders in your general roster and a treasure, which is usually pre-determined. Do your best to exhaust your action points rather than your HP on the bottom floor. Suggestion: Any commander that dies while dungeon crawling is disabled from taking further action for the rest of the turn name will be marked off. Wait until the next turn and perform other actions in the meantime.
Suggestion: During most commander-only battles the game will allow you to cycle in your entire commander roster until everyone bean 2021 either dead or out of action points those who have less than full action points or 0HP from a previous dungeon crawl will not be switched in. Suggestion: If you're farming SenriQ Cups or Kanou Scrolls you would actually be better off doing one floor of a dungeon, exiting manually, and then restarting if you don't get it. However, be advised that there are 4 dangers of doing it this way. Sengoku Rance - One of the Best Strategy Visual Novels - VN Primer This method ensures that you will never exhaust the dungeons down to the boss floor like the previously suggested method of farming ogre bones. When you leave a dungeon this way, you will not clear any floor levels permanently ie. Since you get a random item usually Ogre Bones for the item shop every time you clear a level, the most efficient method to farm a dungeon is to clear all levels except the last in one action, exit, and do it again next turn, repeating the procedure until you're able to start at the last level. The inaccessible floors will reset to starting on the first floor or a checkpoint floor if that dungeon has one if you lose on the final floor. However, if you clear the final floor, you will lose access to all previous floors, and start on the final floor in all future runs.

If you enter the dungeon again, starting on level 2 and clear any number of floors except the final flooryou will then have to start on level 3 on a future return. For example, if you enter a six-level dungeon, and clear any number of floors except the final boss floor and exist, you will start at level 2 when you return. I would like to play Sengoku Rance again but I'm saving myself for the official translation.Whenever you clear new dungeon levels and exit, 1 more level will become inaccessible upon a future return to the dungeon. Maybe you can try to find a better one? Actually I found a T36 4 fan walkthrough that I like a lot better compared to the T35 walkthrough, you get to recruit Senhime before fighting the Takeda blitz, you don't delay recruiting Kanami (so you get Leila earlier), you don't have to dismiss Rizna, and you get to opress the Tenshi cult for gold and H. I had a lot of fun trying to figure out the ideal walkthrough for a first playthrough.

I suppose I could try some weird things out of the Kenshin route. Isoroku route doesn't really have anything funky besides some extra cgs. In Kenshin route you lose Orochi, Ran route is kind of vanilla, but it's the only route other than KTM with the Shimazu brothers recruitable and *ahem* certain characters surviving to the end. Not sure which route I like best, the alternate routes aren't as interesting as the true route. The game has many easter eggs that aren't on the walkthroughs. You could also try getting some of the secret characters like Hara Sanya, Gracia or Copa recruit. Try beating the game on * * * * * difficulty, iron man, without replenishing troops. Starting with 3 comand fans or the battle permits is just cheese. The only one I use now is additional characters for Shizuka. The problem is that unlocking all the bonuses doesn't actually improve the later playthroughs. Recruiting those glorious bastards is a bitch.